
Solar Power International Trade Show Roundup: 3 Smart Energy Companies To Follow

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Electric vehicles parked under overhang
Our team at EVmatch spent September 23-26 in Salt Lake City for the Solar Power International (SPI) trade show - an event hosted by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Smart Energy Power Alliance (SEPA).

SPI brings together professionals, companies, and even the solar equipment supplier in the renewable energy and smart energy industries to exchange ideas, knowledge, and expertise in a rapidly changing world. EVmatch participated as an exhibitor to spread the news about our peer-to-peer EV charging network. Here's what we learned.

Industry experts are excited about EVs, but they all agree that we need more charging infrastructure

We talked to solar manufacturers and installers, electricians, utility representatives, clean energy experts, battery storage companies, and many more throughout the week - all of whom were excited about the transition to electric transportation. But even within the clean energy industry, individuals are concerned about the lack of charging locations. We heard from experts who live in Texas, Hawaii, Alaska, Nebraska, Montana, Michigan, Georgia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Colombia, Canada, and more that they want to buy EVs and encourage larger EV adoption, but public charging is too scarce.

Tradeshow booth
Solar panels at a trade show booth
Electric vehicles parked outside next to curb
EVmatch trade show booth
Person standing next to Audi electric vehicle in front of trade show venue
Trade show venue interior
EVmatch Tradeshow Booth
Array Tradeshow Booth

Solar installers, general electricians, utilities, and building contractors are committed to bringing more charging into public use

Upon learning about our software solution to immediately increase the number of charging locations nationwide, solar installers, general electricians, utility reps, and building contractors eagerly asked to partner with us to help bring the private charging stations they install into public use on EVmatch.

With EVmatch's affiliate program, professionals who install EV charging stations can help increase public charging options and earn extra revenue. Contact William at or message us through our website if you want to learn more about our affiliate program.

3 Smart Energy Companies To Follow

1. SimpliPhi Power

Spearheading the energy storage market since 2010, SimpliPhi Power is an exciting company to watch. As energy production and consumption becomes more decentralized, efficient and long-lasting storage batteries will play a critical role in our power systems. SimpliPhi developed a cobalt-free, Lithium Ferro Phosphate battery combined with proprietary architecture and power electronics for high performance energy storage solutions. Notably, their batteries are non-toxic and non-hazardous without the risk of fire.

Simliphi Power machine

2. SolarEdge

SolarEdge is the leading global PV inverter manufacturer that released the world's first inverter-integrated EV charger, reducing the need for a dedicated circuit breaker for your charger. What's better than combining the benefits of solar with your new electric vehicle to realize reduced electricity costs and emissions?

3. Enel X

The Italian utility company, Enel X, calls itself an "energy cloud platform" because it's enabling new operators to provide energy services. Recently, Enel bought the electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE) manufacturing company, eMotorWerks, in order to integrate with their Level 2 JuiceBox charger. The JuiceBox is a smart EV charging station that charges vehicles up to 13X faster than a regular Level 1 charger. Integrated with the JuiceNet software platform, the JuiceBox empowers customers to use electricity from renewable generation when rate prices are low. To top it all off, the JuiceBox is integrated with the EVmatch app (available in the App Store and Google Play) so owners can rent them out on our peer-to-peer charging platform with additional control features like the ability to lock and turn off the charger remotely unless someone has paid to use it.

At EVmatch, we're excited to work with these companies and so many more partners that we met at Solar Power International. We're looking forward to providing more clean energy services by integrating our peer-to-peer EV charging network with other clean energy companies, auto manufacturers, utilities, electrical installers, and developers.

Are you interested in joining the clean energy revolution? Contact us at or message us through our website to learn how your business or organization can join our partnership.

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