States, Counties, And Utilities Will Give You Up To $9,000 To Install Electric Vehicle Charging – Apply Now
October 11, 2019
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In a rapidly changing world with new technologies coming online every day, it’s difficult to keep up. But when it comes to transportation, there’s no doubt that electric vehicles (EV) will replace gasoline- and diesel-burning vehicles.
In a rapidly changing world with new technologies coming online every day, it’s difficult to keep up. But when it comes to transportation, there’s no doubt that electric vehicles (EV) will replace gasoline- and diesel-burning vehicles.
Still, logistical and practical questions about this transition arise in nearly every conversation about EVs. When will they be cheaper? Will I run out of battery when driving to my favorite beach? When will there be enough places to charge?
Researchers, auto manufacturers, cleantech startups, and governments are all working to solve these issues (hopefully together). One result is the push to fund EV fleets and EV charging infrastructure in public locations. Many people are aware of the $7,500 federal tax credit to buy an EV, but not many business owners have heard about state and local incentives to spur commercial EV fleet and charging infrastructure growth.
Here’s a list of current EV fleet and charging grant programs in California and Colorado that you should take advantage of.
Honestly, though, if someone said “Here, take $9,000 so you can attract more customers to your shop and it’s newly installed charging point,” are you really going to decline??
CALeVIP Program
California has the most robust EV grant programs in the country, and the California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) is a great place to start. With the goal of addressing regional needs for EV charging infrastructure and supporting the state’s goals to improve air quality, fight climate change and reduce petroleum use, CALeVIP provides funding to businesses and multi-unit dwellings, among others, in counties up and down California.
Here is a list of grant projects:
- San Joaquin Valley Incentive Project provides up to $5,000 per connector for Level 2 charger hardware and installation funding in Fresno, Kern, and San Joaquin counties. AVAILABLE STARTING DEC. 2019
- Central Coast Incentive Project provides up to $6,500 per connector for Level 2 charger and hardware installation funding in Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties. AVAILABLE STARTING 10/30
- Northern California Incentive Project provides up to $7,500 per connector for Level 2 charger and hardware installation funding in Humboldt, Shasta, and Tehama counties.
- Sacramento County Incentive Project provides up to $6,500 per connector for Level 2 charger and hardware installation funding in Sacramento County.
- Fresno County Incentive Project (FCIP) provides up to $7,000 for Level 2 charger and hardware installation funding in Fresno County.
Additional incentives in the Fresno County and Southern California project regions are as follows:
- Los Angeles Department of Water & Power Charge Up LA! Program
Charge Up LA! offers Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) commercial customers rebates to help deploy EV charging infrastructure at businesses, including workplaces, multi-unit dwellings, and public parking lots. For LADWP commercial customers, the Commercial EV Charger Rebate Program offers a rebate of up to $5,000 per qualified Level 2 (240V) single-port charger, with up to an additional $750 per extra charge port. - San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s Charge Up! Program: The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s Charge Up! Program provides incentives for the purchase and installation of EV chargers in the San Joaquin Valley. Eligible applicants include businesses, public agencies and owners of multi-unit dwellings (MUDs) located within the boundaries of the Valley Air District. Charge Up! offers up to $6,000 for Level 2 EV chargers and up to $25,000 for Level 3 DC fast chargers.
- Anaheim Public Utilities Public Access Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate Program: Anaheim Public Utilities is offering Public Access Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebates to commercial, industrial, and municipal customers who install a Level 2 (240V) or higher plug-in EV chargers at locations accessible to patrons, multi-family dwelling residents, commuters and visitors. Receive up to $5,000 per charging station for public access locations, or $10,000 for school, affordable housing, or publicly accessible DC fast plug-in locations.
- Burbank Water and Power EV Charging Station Rebate Program: Burbank Water and Power (BWP) residential and commercial customers who install a Level 2 (240V) EV charger are eligible for a rebate from BWP. Rebates up to $500 are available for residential customers and up to $2,000 for commercial customers.
- Colton Electric Utility EV Charger Rebate Program: Rebates of up to $500 are available to Colton Electric Utility customers who install Level 2 (240V AC) plug-in chargers at their residence or business.
- Glendale Water & Power Charging Station Rebate Program: Glendale Water & Power offers rebates of up to $500 for residential customers and up to $2,000 for commercial or multi-family customers.
- Pasadena Water & Power Commercial Charger Incentive Program: Pasadena Water & Power’s Commercial Charger Incentive Program offers $3,000 rebate for installation of smart Level 2 (240V) charging stations for commercial, workplace, MUD, and fleet customers. Rebates of up to $6,000 per charger are available at specific sites including publicly accessible, schools, affordable housing, and disadvantaged communities.
Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District Clean Air Grants
The Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District is offering Clean Air Grants for Infrastructure projects in Santa Barbara County, including EV charging stations. Grant details as listed on the District’s website are as follows:
“New, conversion of existing, and expansion to existing non-residential Level 2 or higher battery charging stations, including but not limited to:
- Public chargers – non-residential charging station that at a minimum must be accessible to the public daily during regular business hours.
- Workplace charging.
- Fleet charging.
- Direct current fast chargers along freeway roadway corridors.
- Long-term charging at destination areas such as airports, hotels, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, etc.”
Project funding of up to $150,000 is available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and projects in low-income communities for zero-emission technology are prioritized.
Learn more or apply here.
Charge Ahead Colorado
The Colorado Energy Office and Regional Air Quality Council administer a grant program called Charge Ahead Colorado. The stated mission of the program is “To help improve air quality, encourage deployment of electric vehicles across the state, and support implementation of the Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan.”
Administered three times a year with application openings lasting one month in length, businesses, multi-unit dwellings, and organizations are eligible for significant EV infrastructure or fleet grants funded by the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Colorado Department of Health and Environment.
A grant application period just closed on October 30th, but will reopen again for a new round within the next few months. Visit this website for details about funding and the next application round. Notably, applicants are eligible for up to $9,000 of funding to install two Level 2 smart chargers, which in many cases will cover nearly all project costs.
Learn more or apply here.
We’ve only listed a small number of available EV fleet and infrastructure grants. Don’t live in California or Colorado? Check with your state, local county and city government, and electric utility provider to see what incentives may be available to you. Get started here.