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The Next Chapter in EV Adoption

EVs had exciting inception (phase 0) and early adoption (phase 1) from the General Motors EV1 in the 1990s to the first Tesla Roadster and Nissan Leaf in the late 2000s. It’s a testament to incredible inventors, investors, and environmentally conscious original customers. Great as this was, phase 1 catered to narrow audiences sending a lifestyle message: an EV is more than just a car! Governments stepped in with tax credits and incentives. Burgeoning demand spurred programs and companies like EVmatch to build out the infrastructure for a new paradigm in transportation.

EVmatch TeamEVmatch Team

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EVmatch Is Responding To COVID-19 With Safety Guides, Discounts, And More

The global pandemic known as COVID-19 (or coronavirus) has forced many of us into a state of hyperawareness about where we go and what we do. Amidst all the news and noise surrounding the pandemic, many of us have been feeling underprepared and unsure. At EVmatch, we want everyone who is engaging with our peer-to-peer network to remain safe. That’s why we developed a few guides to help both EV drivers and charging hosts navigate these unusual times. We include a few tidbits that should help you stay safe, from where to get a custom coronavirus mask to how to practice social distancing. Read on to find out more

William Truesdell

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EVmatch Webinar Series

Whether you’re an electric car driver, soon-to-be owner, or enthusiast, this is the webinar series for you. We’ll talk with industry experts about buying electric vehicles (EVs), solutions to some of the biggest barriers to widespread EV adoption, and EV charging. We’ll also detail many of EVmatch’s products and services in a format that allows you to ask us questions in real-time.

William Truesdell

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Denmark’s Ambitious Climate Law — EV Charging Among Experts’ Recommended First Steps

The latest Danish Council on Climate Change report was released 2 days before COVID-19 forced the country into shutdown. Implementing its central recommendation for a national carbon tax might not be possible in the near-term, given mounting economic uncertainties. However, COVID-19 shouldn’t stop the Danish government from commencing some of the report’s immediate calls to action, including strategic planning of: Electric Vehicle Charging Deployments, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, and Agriculture Emissions Accounting.

EVmatch TeamEVmatch Team

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6 Best Electric SUVs and Crossovers

Let’s face it. Americans are obsessed with SUVs and crossovers, which make up around 40% of all vehicles sold in the U.S. In addition to the mounting costs of gasoline, our love of SUVs is also costing the planet in terms of carbon emitted by sports utility vehicles (compared to more efficient sedans and hybrids.)

EVmatch TeamEVmatch Team

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EVmatch Has The Solution For Electric Vehicle Charging At Multi-Unit Dwellings

Electric vehicle (EV) sales in the U.S. are nearing 1.5 million, with significant growth recorded month over month since 2011 (see Veloz chart below). At this rate, the U.S. is slated for 1.28 million EV sales in 2026 alone. While we’re at it, let’s throw another number into the mix: 20X. That’s the projection of 20X more EVs on the road by 2030 than today.

William Truesdell

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Top National And Local Solar Installers

In states like California and Colorado, it’s a no-brainer to install a home solar system. Even with the upfront costs, home solar provides a strong ROI and energy resilience amid unpredictable electricity rate hikes and natural disasters. Additionally, you can save 26% on your solar system thanks to the federal solar tax credit.

William Truesdell

· Blog

Tales From A Winter Road Trip In A Tesla Model X

Following up on my account of our family odyssey this past summer (Part 1 + Part 2), I thought I would offer a coda on traveling in the colder months…not to mention with a third child now outside the womb! This go-round, we headed southeast, with our farthest point out being Scottsdale, AZ. The total distance traveled was right around 2,000 miles, over nine days.

Jeff PickettJeff Pickett

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When Will Ridesharing Companies Go Electric?

The convenience of ridesharing services has made companies like Uber and Lyft as essential to daily life as the morning cup of coffee. Whether you take an Uber every day to work, use Lyft occasionally when you’re on vacation, or drive for both companies to make some money, ridesharing doesn’t look like it’s disappearing anytime soon. Due to the sudden popularity of these companies, they are constantly recruiting new drivers to their existing fleets. However, with the ever-increasing number of drivers, these companies will probably require some sort of fleet management software to ensure their drivers can be tracked. Thanks to companies like Lytx, these ridesharing fleets can improve their safety and increase their visibility. This ensures the management can keep an eye on every car going out to pick up a customer. Whilst it’s great that these ridesharing companies are constantly growing, what about their carbon footprint?

William Truesdell
